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  • Announcing the Penelope Pencil Skirt; And our womenswear roadmap

Announcing the Penelope Pencil Skirt; And our womenswear roadmap

6 years, ago

I’m very happy to announce the immeadiate availability of the Penelope Pencil Skirt, out in beta today.

A linedrawing of Penelope

Penelope was designed by @woutervdub who also signed for benjamin.

Freesewing is not (just) for menswear

This new foray into womenswear foreshadows our plans for the second half of this year. That’s right, we’re going to be making more patterns for ladies.

Freesewing has a bit of a menswear reputation, since historically we’ve had a lot more patterns for men than for ladies. But that doesn’t mean women are second-class citizens here. It’s just a side-effect of how this project was historically run by a man. Can you blame a brother for designing patterns he’d like to wear himself?

Today, freesewing is a communal effort, and there’s plenty of ladies involved. So it only make sense to make a conscious effort to do something for our sisters. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing.

We’ve got another pattern in the pipeline that is not only for women, but also by a woman. By @AlfaLyr in particular, who has designed a circle skirt pattern that is going to land here real soon.

In parallel, I’ll be working with @AnnekeCaramin on a female equivalent for Brian, our basic body block on which many of our patterns are based. The idea is to make a quality bodice block for ladies that is made-to-measure and can handle the common fitting issues automatically. I’m talking about full bust adjustment, sway back, these kind of things.

Once we have that block, expect us to spin it into a bunch of dresses and tops.

And as always, if you have pattern design skills but are a bit intimidated by the platform, reach out to us to see if we can join forces to make your ideas a reality.

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